poetry video

Notes – «Flower Diatribe #1» for Dao Strom in Poetry Northwest by Roland Dahwen

Dao Strom's piece «Flower Diatribe #1» is featured in Poetry Northwest, along with the video we made together. Words and voice by Dao Strom, sound by Barry Brusseau, video by Roland Dahwen Wu.

Link to article

Notes - De-Canon (A Visibility Project) Opening at UNA Gallery by Roland Dahwen

De-Canon's opening at UNA Gallery is August 3.

De-Canon is doing a month of programs at UNA Gallery. There will be performances, readings, screenings, and more. The installation will include a video of mine «We are all the production line (part II)» (4 minutes, 8mm, black and white), as well as «Flowers», a video I made for Dao Strom and «Field Theories», a series of videos I made for Samiya Bashir. Press release.


still frame from «We are all the production line (part II)». Patuá Films, 2017

still frame from «We are all the production line (part II)». Patuá Films, 2017

Notes - HAFT-SEEN with Stacey Tran and Jonathan Raissi (trailer #3) by Roland Dahwen

Trailer #3

Stacey Tran • Jonathan Raissi • Roland Dahwen Wu
7pm • 3.15.17
High Low Gallery
936 SE 34th Ave, Portland, OR 97214

Notes - Field Theories (with Samiya Bashir and keyon gaskin) by Roland Dahwen

Last summer, Samiya Bashir and I sat down to talk about making a video for her book of poetry FIELD THEORIES (Nightboat Books, 2017). One video became six: one per month until the book's release. We worked with the incomparable movement artist keyon gaskin who appears in all six videos, and many generous people participated in Field Theories #4. The six videos will be woven together into one continuous film for the month of March.

I'm honored and proud to share Field Theories #6 (February):