music video

Notes - Ojos del Sol music video for Y La Bamba by Roland Dahwen

After many months, I've completed work on a new music video for Y La Bamba's song «Ojos del Sol». I worked closely with the band to realize their vision, and the video will be released soon.

Special thanks to Aaron Meola of Tender Loving Empire, Myranda Gillies, and the countless people who helped in large and small ways.

A few stills from the video, produced by Patuá Films—

Notes - Golden House by Roland Dahwen

Forthcoming - «Golden House» music video

Over the last months, I've been working on a music video of the track «Golden House» for the band Tiburones—off their new album «Eva». I'm very excited to release this work—I filmed and collaborated closely with band members Nick Delffs (also known for his bands Shaky Hands and Death Songs) and Luz Elena Mendoza (from Y La Bamba). The music video will be released along with the vinyl and digital release of «Eva» very soon.

A few still frames from «Golden House»—filmed in New Mexico, Arizona, the desert of eastern Oregon, and Portland.